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Early Childhood Research

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Bridging the gap between research, policy and practice



When it comes to early childhood care and education, knowledge is power. The betterment of New Hampshire is dependent on whether parents, teachers, caregivers and policy makers have the right resources for the children of our great state. Providing complete and transparent access to timely and relevant information is key to the Council of Thriving Children’s mission in improving outcomes for New Hampshire's families, schools, and communities.

Throughout 2022, members of the early childhood community in New Hampshire developed a new Strategic Plan. The plan makes recommendations to help:

• Increase families’ partnership in, knowledge of, and choices for their child’s development
• Increase families’ access to integrated quality early childhood opportunities and services
• Increase comprehensive wellness of young children
• Ensure children achieve early childhood developmental and educational goals
• Increase providers’ and educators’ knowledge and access to resources for quality programs and services

On the page below, we list research identified by NH’s Early Childhood Scientific Advisory Panel to support the key themes in the new strategic framework.


Strategic Plan: Analysis, Membership

Strategic Plan: Analysis, Membership

Quality, consistent, equitable access to opportunities and services for all NH families

Quality, consistent, equitable access to opportunities and services for all NH families

  • Resources coming soon

Early childhood workforce capacity and quality

Early childhood workforce capacity and quality

Investment in early childhood programs and services

Investment in early childhood programs and services

  • The childcare conundrum: How can companies ease working parents' return to the office?

Office of Early Childhood

Office of Early Childhood